We desire to be a community full of passion and true sacrificial love for one another. Jesus really is our only focus. By making Him the center of our lives and ministries, He draws all of us to Himself. Lost or found, rich or poor, sinful or holy-it doesn’t matter to us. He’s the answer and the reason we exist. You belong here with us-at the cross of Jesus-redeemed, renewed, and restored.
What is Hope City?
We are a new church in Meridian, Mississippi. We began as a prayer meeting in a home on Zero Road. Those meetings formed what was to become Hope City Church. We launched our church on March 7, 2021.
What should I expect?
Hope City is all about one thing: worshiping Jesus Christ with every aspect of our lives. Our services and corporate gatherings revolve around Him. We will welcome you as one of our own, even if you don’t have a faith background. It’s what we’re called to do. We are a loving church, loving Christ and through Him loving our neighbor.
What about older kids?
Hope City Students is for all children 6th through 12th grade. We meet every other Wednesday night usually in a home on Pine Springs Road.
Where are you located?
Our Sunday morning services are held at 10 AM at 8522 MS-39 Meridian, MS 39305
What about my children?
Hope City Kids is for all children aged 6 months through 5th grade. It is available during our 10 AM Sunday service. Our KidMin team is equipped and passionate about helping children come to know Jesus even at a young age.
Hope City Nursery: 6 months - 2 years
Hope City Kinder Kids: 3 - Kindergarten
Hope City Elementary: 1st - 5th Grade
Do you have small groups?
Housefires is the small group ministry at Hope City. These groups meet in homes usually on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month. We currently have two groups, one that meets in Clarkdale and one that meets in Collinsville.
Hope City Kids is offered to all children aged 6 months through 5th grade. Our leaders and volunteers have a passion for seeing children come to know Jesus even at a young age. We believe the Kingdom belongs to children and those who would have a child-like faith.