Hope City Students is for grades 6 through 12. We understand that these are pivotal years in the growth and development of young men and women. We want to partner with them in their spiritual walk and prepare them to be followers of Christ even after they have graduated high school and moved on into adulthood. Hope City Students is geared towards growing in one’s own Christian experience and developing significant relationships with fellow believers who are your same age.
Things to Know:
• Our regular meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. We typically meet at the Skinner’s house on Pine Springs Road. These meetings start at 6:30.
• We usually communicate through the Group Me App. We’d love to add all of our newcomers to the app as soon as possible.
• We do want our students to serve in other ministries at Hope City Church. However, we also want them to become active members of the church as a whole and learn how to contribute to the greater well of faith. We are working on a schedule, but students who volunteer must be active members of our Student Ministry and attend regular church often on the days they aren’t scheduled to serve.